FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis Calculator

door FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis

(3 classificaties)

Validate cost effectiveness of proposed hazard mitigation projects prior to FEMA funding.

Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) is the method by which the future benefits of a hazard mitigation project are determined and compared to its costs.

The end result is a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), which is calculated by a project's total benefits divided by its total costs.

FEMA requires a BCA to validate cost effectiveness of proposed hazard mitigation projects prior to funding.

For a community and/or property, this tool will assist with:

  • Estimating Annual Hazard Risks

  • Evaluating Mitigation Cost Effectiveness

  • Developing Aggregate Benefit-Cost Models

For more information, including methodologies of the calculation models used in this tool, visit

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