
door UserVoice

(228 classificaties)

Get real time updates on your product feedback program within Microsoft Teams.

Put customer needs front and center with UserVoice and Microsoft Teams

UserVoice’s Microsoft Teams integration brings customer feedback even closer to where your internal team’s communication is already happening. Customer-centricity is an organization-wide effort. By connecting UserVoice to your Microsoft Teams account, you can help your whole company better understand and serve customer needs.

Connect UserVoice with Microsoft Teams today and get customer voices out of the benches and onto the field.

Promote shared understanding of customer needs

Create a dedicated place in Teams to stream user feedback and foster an organization-wide understanding of customer needs.

Stay informed

Never miss an opportunity to act on or update an idea and wow your customers. Get real time updates on your UserVoice product feedback from right within Microsoft Teams.

Eliminate the feedback black hole

Don’t leave internal teams in the dark! Automatically push updates on the status of UserVoice feedback into Teams so customer-facing teams are kept in the loop as you make decisions and act on customer feedback.

You need to have an active UserVoice subscription to use this app. Please contact UserVoice for more information.

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.

Een overzicht