

(133 classificaties)

Manage your work organization and office occupancy with collaborative plannings

Org@Work is a collaborative tool that enables you to manage work organization and balance between remote and on-site work. Thanks to Org@Work, you can organize on-site or remote work based on informations reported by employees and framework and rules set by organization. You can also monitor the occupancy rate of your facilities in a flexible way. In addition, you can use the bot to monitor the various planning status. Finally, you can benefit from sharing content and collecting feedback from your co-workers by opening Org@Work as a dedicated tab in a chat or a team.

To start using Org@Work, your organisation needs to have a subscription agreement with us. In order to move forward please reach us at

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.

Een overzicht