1-on-1 Hub

door Appfluence Inc

(1 classificaties)

Everything you need to run effective one-on-one meetings, in one place.

1-on-1 Hub gives you everything you need to run an effective meeting, including your relevant Outlook emails and calendar events, OneDrive documents, and Planner tasks. Deep links to important tasks don't take you out of Microsoft Teams, so you keep your focus.

Before your next meeting, open 1-on-1 Hub and see what tasks, messages, documents or events you have in common with your counterpart. Your meeting will be more effective because you will have all the information you need at your fingertips.

If you need a more powerful task and project management solution, enable Priority Matrix to make sure everyone in your team is focused on high-impact work. You will then be able to capture action items as needed, without having to switch to another app.

After the meeting, everyone will have clear action items, in order to deliver top-notch results.

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.

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