
door EcoLink Technology Co., Ltd.

Secure your text and password in OneDrive with standard encryption

This application allows you to encrypt and store text and password in your OneDrive account directly from your Microsoft Teams application. The AES encryption algorithm ensures that your contents are secure and can only be accessed by you. This application does not upload any data to any other server, so you can rest assured that your contents are safe and private. With this application, you can easily encrypt and decrypt your contents with only few steps, giving you the convenience and security you need. It also supports editing after encryption in case of you want to modify the content. We provide the guarantee of decrypting your files in the whole application life. Keep in mind with your password or you will lose your files. You must purchase a license before using the app. Please visit for getting started.

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.

Een overzicht