Smarter Drafter

door Rulestar

Send finalised documents directly to eSignature, Practice Management and Document Management.

Smarter Drafter harnesses automation to help lawyers draft precedents, complex documents, and court forms quickly, accurately, and stay compliant across major practice areas.

This add-in streamlines finalisation in Microsoft Word, enabling users to easily edit, e-sign, and save documents to top management systems like LEAP, Clio, Smokeball, iManage, ActionStep, and NetDocs directly from Word.

Note: Use of the Smarter Drafter addon requires users to already have purchased a Smarter Drafter web application subscription from

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Lezen en wijzigingen aan uw document aanbrengen
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden

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