Speed to Quote®


Speed to Quote® gives the ability to respond faster to incoming quote requests.

Speed to Quote® empowers logistics companies to rapidly respond to incoming quote requests, enhancing efficiency and client satisfaction. We offer:

- Automated calculation of truck costs, fuel expenses, and margins.

- Certified integrations with leading third-party rate sources.

- Instant truck distance calculations.

- Configurable zone-to-zone pricing matrices.

- Mileage band pricing configurations for tailored quotes.

- Customizable template responses for personalized client interactions.

- Automated reporting for comprehensive win/loss analysis.

- Seamless integration with Transportation Management Systems (TMS) for streamlined order and quote creation.

Additional Note:

Speed to Quote® requires a license subscription from S2Q Systems.

For licensing details and functionality inquiries, contact or visit our website at

The Speed to Quote® system seamlessly integrates with Outlook as a plugin, consolidating essential tools into a single interface with just one click. Users can respond to quote requests within seconds, leveraging auto-logged quoting data for efficient operations.

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app kan de inhoud van items in uw postvak lezen of wijzigen en kan nieuwe items aanmaken. De app heeft toegang tot persoonlijke gegevens, zoals de hoofdtekst, het onderwerp, de afzender, de ontvangers en de bijlagen van alle berichten en agenda-items. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden.

Een overzicht