
door Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft PBI Certified
(6 classificaties)
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Visually explore, understand, and present your data.

By using easy-to-understand views, SandDance helps you find insights about your data, which in turn help you tell stories supported by data, build cases based on evidence, test hypotheses, dig deeper into surface explanations, support decisions for purchases, or relate data into a wider, real world context. SandDance uses unit visualizations, which apply a one-to-one mapping between rows in your database and marks on the screen. Smooth animated transitions between views help you to maintain context as you interact with your data. This new version of SandDance has been rebuilt from scratch with the goal of being modular, extensible, and embeddable into your custom applications. We are now on GitHub so that we are open and driven by the community through contributions, feature requests, and discussion. Learn more at

Visuele mogelijkheden

Deze visual is gecertificeerd door Power BI

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