Sales Analysis App for Power-CRM

door Power-CRM, Inc.

Sales Analysis App for Power-CRM

Full Sales Analysis application for Power-CRM. Analyze important metrics about your sales performance from over 10 dashboards/reports containing over 70 charts, KPI’s and metrics. This powerful complimentary application for Power-CRM will show you all the important metrics about your companies sales, examples:

  • Average win vs loss sales cycle days
  • Revenue by customer industry 
  • Full user activity analysis
  • Prospect to Opportunity to Customer metrics
  • Full pipeline by forecast status 

The date slicer on most dashboards/reports allows you to specify period to analyze.  
Our Sales Analysis app. is powered by Microsoft Power BI. You can use the app with the free version of Power BI (Power BI pro licensing required to publish the analysis app to dashboards in Power-CRM).

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