TPaaS Meeting for Outlook

firmy Hipercom

This AddIn allows you to integrate your TPaaS service with your Outlook and organize your video meet

Add In to organize meetings in your TPaaS service in an agile and comfortable way.

The functionality that includes this Add In is:

- Generate TPaaS multi-conference meetings from the edition of an Outlook calendar event, both in the desktop and in the web version

- You can invite to the meeting the contacts of your organization TPaaS, both registered people and registered video equipment

- You can indicate if you want to protect the meeting with PIN or not

- You can establish that the meeting is recorded in the case of having contracted recording service. If you wish to contract this service, contact the partner that offered you our solution

- You can indicate if you want invited participants as contacts of your organization to be automatically called by the system

- External or unregistered contacts may be invited, using the usual way of inviting outlook participants

Once the meeting is generated, our service supplies the resources and generates the invitation that will be added to the information of the event you are editing. When sending the information of the event, all the participants will have the access of guest to be able to accede to the meeting when it is the moment of said event. Thanks to this integration, you will not need to access the web platform to generate meetings, since Outlook's own calendar has all the power to reserve our service

IMPORTANT: Requires having contracted professional videoconferencing services from TPaaS by Hipercom. You can get more information on our website:

You can also learn about the services offered by Hipercom on the web:

If you are already a user of our service, you can get help on our regular contact phone, included in the contact information of our web platform. To which you already have access.

Możliwości aplikacji

Gdy ta aplikacja jest używana,
  • Może wysyłać dane przez Internet
  • Ta aplikacja ma dostęp do informacji osobistych w aktywnej wiadomości, takich jak treść, temat, nadawca, adresaci i załączniki, oraz może modyfikować te informacje. Może wysyłać te dane do usługi zewnętrznej. Nie może odczytywać ani modyfikować innych elementów w skrzynce pocztowej.

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