Connect Me

firmy Escaux SA

Calls the phone numbers of your colleagues from any Team chat session.

Connect Me for MS Teams is a simple yet powerful application which let you easily contact your colleagues within a Teams chat session on their phone (fix or mobile) numbers using an external soft-phone.


Call a person linked with the chat session

When you are in a chat session, click on the Connect Me application button to list the phone numbers of the contacts involved in the chat session.

When clicking on a number, Connect Me will dial the number using your default soft-phone.

Search for a colleague within the MS Teams chat session

In case you need an help from a colleagues which are not involved in the chat session, you can search other colleagues contacts using the search features.


The Connect Me for MS Teams application works with the Connect Me soft-phone application or any other soft-phone which handles the "tel:" protocol.

Before using Connect Me for MS Teams an administrator of your tenant must grant admin consent, to do it the administrator must go to the Azure portal, then please go to Azure Active Directory - Enterprise applications - Connect Me - Permissions and then please click on the Grant admin consent button.

Connect Me soft-phone

Connect Me is a cross platform Rich Communications application. It supports audio and video calling, messaging, personal and corporate directory. Being based on the open SIP standard, Connect Me can be used in combination with any cloud based or enterprise communication system.

Connect Me is compatible with most Cloud UC and enterprise UC platforms. Besides acting as a standard SIP soft-phone, Connect Me also enriches the IP PBX (Cisco, Avaya, Alcatel, Skype for Business, Mitel, Asterisk...), and UC platforms with features like Video and Messaging.

You can download the Connect Me soft-phone on the website.

Using Connect Me soft-phone needs a subscription, please contact Escaux to get access.

After installing Connect Me soft-phone you can assign the "tel:" protocol to it by editing your default applications settings on Windows.

Before clicking on a contact phone, the Connect Me soft-phone must be opened and a user logged.

Możliwości aplikacji

Gdy ta aplikacja jest używana,
  • Może wysyłać dane przez Internet
  • Ta aplikacja ma dostęp do informacji osobistych w aktywnej wiadomości, takich jak numery telefonów, adresy pocztowe czy adresy URL. Aplikacja może wysyłać te dane do usługi zewnętrznej. Nie może odczytywać ani modyfikować innych elementów w skrzynce pocztowej.

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