
firmy OXYCAR

Simple SaaS mobility solution, carpooling application for companies and their employees.

Oxycar is a SaaS mobility package for companies and their employees, made up of a fully modular carpooling and home-work bike tool.

Our application, available on Android, IOS, Web, Teams, automatically connects employees wishing to carpool together for the home-work trip. The offer includes:

- An OXYCAR license for the whole company

- 100 % integrated into the Microsoft Office 365 environment

- A dashboard for monitoring environmental performance

- A tax advantage on the implementation of carpooling in the company

- Deployment in less than 48 hours on all company sites

The employer has, through the application, the ability to subsidize carpooling and bicycle trips for these employees up to 500€ / year / employee with 100% exemption from social charges. We are interfaced with the governement tool of the carpooling proof register in order to guarantee the veracity of the declared journeys.

With Oxycar, you have a set of tools for creating environmental and social reports on your performance to help with your CSR and CO2 emissions declarations

*Currently, this app is available for France only.

**To use this app you need a active account

Możliwości aplikacji

Gdy ta aplikacja jest używana,
  • Może wysyłać dane przez Internet
  • Ta aplikacja ma dostęp do informacji osobistych w aktywnej wiadomości, takich jak numery telefonów, adresy pocztowe czy adresy URL. Aplikacja może wysyłać te dane do usługi zewnętrznej. Nie może odczytywać ani modyfikować innych elementów w skrzynce pocztowej.

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