Origin Add-In

firmy Origin Primary Limited

The Origin Add-In allows Origin users to perform cross-currency swap pricing directly from Excel.

The Origin Add-In allows Origin users to price swaps from/to 14 major currencies in Fixed and Floating formats using realtime pricing feeds. The target users are members of MTN, DCM, Syndicate and Sales desks within investment banks. The Origin Add-In provides a significant efficiency gain when performing pricings. The realtime pricing feeds are sourced from the interdealer broker Tullet Prebon.

The Origin Add-In supports: EUR, GBP, USD, JPY, CHF, CAD, NOK, SEK, DKK, CNH,SGD, HKD, AUD and NZD. The Add-In supports term rates (e.g. 3mSTIBOR), fixed rates and risk-free rates (e.g. SOFR, ESTR).

The Origin Add-In targets enterprise customers who are pre-existing customers of Origin (

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