RMsis - Generic Report Add-in

por Optimizory Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

RMsis add-in to generate word pages from generic report content

This word add-in can be used to generate custom word reports with the pre-existing data of RMsis application. The JSON file created by RMsis in Generic Report section is used to import data to MS-Word and customized reports are generated as per the template defined by the user. User can customize the look and feel of the report, include additional data like company logo, date and page numbers in headers and footers and then share the report as word or PDF file.

Note - This application require to have valid RMsis for Jira license, visit Optimizory Products Site for more details.

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode ler ou fazer alterações no documento
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet

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