Clear Review

por Clear Review

Give and Request Feedback from colleagues direct from Outlook

The Clear Review Outlook Add-in makes giving praise and constructive feedback at work even easier.

If you are using a Clear Review-enabled performance management system, you can now give and request feedback from colleagues and external recipients on Outlook, without having to log into Clear Review again.

Setting up is very easy. After logging-in once with your single-sign-on or username and password credentials, you can access the add-in from the Outlook email window. As usual, given and requested feedback will be shown on your Feedback page, and the recipients are notified.

Watch this space! There are even more useful features to come, including scheduling conversations directly from your Outlook Calendar!

In order to use the Outlook Add-In, your organisation must have a subscription to access Clear Review. To learn more about our software and pricing, please visit

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet
  • Esse aplicativo pode acessar informações pessoais sobre a mensagem ativa, como nomes de remetentes, nomes de destinatários, endereços de email, corpo da mensagem e informações de anexos. O aplicativo pode enviar esses dados para um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.

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