Edword Similarity for Teams

por Easy Correct ApS

Plagiarism detection in Microsoft Teams for Education and Word.

Plagiarism Check in Word

Edword Similarity for Microsoft Teams for Education enables you to access Ouriginal's plagiarism results right where you need them - directly in Word - at the heart of the Microsoft Teams Assignments.

All file formats

For all file formats, use the Edword Similarity tab in Microsoft Teams for Education for easy access to the plagiarism results.

Feedback & Plagiarism Check

Do you want to combine feedback and plagiarism detection in one solution? Install Edword for Microsoft Teams for Education and Word to save time and work smarter with written assignments. Write to for more information.

About Ouriginal

Ouriginal's world-leading plagiarism detection combines text-matching with writing-style analysis to promote academic integrity and help prevent plagiarism. The algorithms work regardless of language and can detect similarities across the most widely used languages. Go to for more information.

Get started

The use of Edword Similarity requires a license. If you are interested, please go to

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet
  • Esse aplicativo pode acessar informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como números de telefone, endereços postais ou URLs. O aplicativo pode enviar esses dados para um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.

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