ScreenCloud Post to Screens

por ScreenCloud Limited.

Create and send Microsoft Teams posts to your ScreenCloud screens.

ScreenCloud - Teams to Screens

Send posts to your ScreenCloud screens from within Microsoft Teams.

ScreenCloud – Digital Signage Software for Any Screen or TV

ScreenCloud provides digital signage software for any screen or TV. Deploy content to screens across your business to drive engagement, productivity and sales.


  • Create a post with text only.
  • Create a post with an image only.
  • Create a post with text and an image.
  • View a preview of how your post will appear on screen.


Posts currently support images, however videos, PDFs, Powerpoint or other file types are not yet supported.

Please be aware that posts may take up to 2 minutes to appear on your screen.

More information

If you require further information on using this app or the ScreenCloud Teams app, you can find it here.

Contact Us

For help and support you can contact our friendly team on


Simply click on “Get it now”. And if you're a Microsoft 365 tenant admin, you can install it on behalf of all your users.

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet
  • Esse aplicativo pode acessar informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como números de telefone, endereços postais ou URLs. O aplicativo pode enviar esses dados para um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.

Visão geral