Prodware Transport Cost accelerator

de Prodware Group

Easily manage how you process and flex the financial impact of transporting your goods

Transport Cost accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

If the transport cost of goods sold has a big impact on the bottom line of your manufacturing or distribution business, this element of the sales process requires flexibility, accuracy and visibility.

Many companies want to manage a mixture of free and charged transport costs within sales processes, according to trading agreements and offers, however this can be difficult and heavy to administer.

The Transport Cost accelerator helps with these challenges by centralizing transport cost management and pricing, simulating transport cost scenarios and providing a quicker and more efficient way to recover the costs of transportation.

Features and benefits of this app

  • Centralizes transport cost management and pricing schedules (by quantity, weight, pallet, unit etc.)
  • Simulates price of transportation of goods in order to support decision-making
  • Provides an easier way to recover transport costs from the customer
  • Includes rules by customer to manage free transport costs
  • Includes transport costs in the sales order by item or with a sale line charge
  • Users can propose different solutions including free carriage or delivery charged to the customer, directly in the Sales Order

Next steps

If you would like to boost your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management apps in this way, please review the materials on this page and contact Prodware to find out more.

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