Numtra AI for Excel

de Numtra LLC

Interact with Numtra platform ML models from within the Microsoft Excel.

Numtra for Excel is a an add-in for Business Analysts, to interact with the ML models trained in Numtra environment. Now you can easily attach your workbooks to a machine learning model and get the predictions right in the Microsoft Excel.

It is to be noted that this add-in is a complimentary tool. You need to have a valid Numtra subscription, and your Numtra Platform instance deployed to use this addin.


Use your Numtra credentials to login. Upon login you will be able to access all the ML models that you have trained in Numtra platform instance.

Model Dashboard:

Once you login you will be able to see and select any ML model trained in you platform instance. To update model dashboard, you need to login again, using the refresh button.

Model Configuration:

Select the model you want to use. You can set the sheet and data for which you want to configure the model. Fill out the configuration form and save.


Set up worksheets to use a particular model and save the configuration. You can then use this saved configuration from Predict tab. Just select the data and click predict. Numtra Add-in will feed the data to your ML model service, fetch the results and populate the worksheet.

Capacidades da aplicação

Quando esta aplicação é utilizada,
  • Pode ler e efetuar alterações ao seu documento
  • Pode enviar dados através da Internet

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