Tribute 2.0

de Tribute

(2 classificações)

Tribute 2.0 accelerates career mobility in your organization with personalized career connections.

Whether you want to learn a new skill, get unstuck on a project, or are in need of career advice, we'll help get you connected to a peer who can help, on-demand.

🧐 Share what you need help with

Our recommendations engine will match you to people from your company who understand you and have similar experiences and skills you're seeking.

🤝 Connect for 30 minutes or 30 days

Send a request and, once accepted, you'll be connected right in Microsoft Teams to problem-solve or offer advice.

🎉 Give and receive feedback

At the end of your connection, we'll ask you both to give feedback. Responses will be added to your Career Opportunity Report, showing your growth and leadership.

🌱 Supercharge your career

By regularly tapping into the wealth of knowledge and expertise within your organization, you can unlock new opportunities for career development.

Your organization must have an active subscription to use this app. For questions, please contact

Capacidades da aplicação

Quando esta aplicação é utilizada,
  • Pode enviar dados através da Internet
  • Esta aplicação pode aceder a informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como números de telefone, endereços postais ou URLs. Esta aplicação poderá também enviar estes dados a um serviço de terceiros. Não podem ser lidos ou modificados outros itens na sua caixa de correio.

Visão geral