Banza Loyalty Program Engine

de Banza

Intelligent customer journey based solution for loyalty programs automation.

Banza loyalty for Creatio is an enterprise solution developed on the Creatio platform. The solution will allow you to use the loyalty program more effectively. You need to decide which loyalty program mechanics to use for existing clients and for gaining new ones - discounts, bonuses, coupons, rewarding customers for non-buying activities.

Use cases

The product facilitates marketologists' work with sale settings for loyalty program, possibility for building analytics on sales, purchases, clients, RFM analysis.

The product allows to set and apply different loyalty rules scenarios:

1. To accrue a bonus
Purchase bonuses.
When the bonus is accrued for the whole purchase in the check.
Bonuses for products.
The bonuses are accrued for certain products on the bill.
The ability to set the accrue variations:
      • For a certain product;
      • Virtual bundle i.e. buy Product 1 and get bonuses for Product 2;
      • Cascade – get bonuses if you buy 2 products and a higher bonus if you buy 3 products etc.;
      • The condition on the price, i.e. buy products for X amount and get 10% as a bonus.
      • Bonuses for significant events, i.e. Client’s birthdays, company’s, etc.;
      • The ability to set filters on clients, selling points, days and times of purchase, and means of payment.
2. Discounts
Sales discounts are set similarly to bonus conditions, i.e. for the purchase, products, cascades, significant events, on selling points, days and time of purchase and means of payment.

3. Coupons
The ability to form coupons:
      • General Coupons
      • The ability to indicate the sum of discount or the bonuses accrued on the coupon. This type of coupon isn’t attached to a certain client and can be used by any customer.
      • Personal Coupons.
Coupons are formed and can be used by a certain person solely.
Coupons triggered emission
For example, to form a coupon for the discount on the first purchase

Key features

    • convenient interface to set the loyalty program rules of any complexity in just a few clicks;
    • versioning of loyalty program rules;
    • levels of loyalty program engagement;
    • cross platform service of processing center with active API for any front-system;
    • possibility to host the processing center on Unix-systems, which allows you to decrease additional costs on licensing and to boost system effectiveness;
    • virtual cash desk to test Loyalty rules or to make an internet shop order;
    • support for processing center database sharding technology, which allows you not to be afraid of performance degradation due to large amounts of data;
    • flexible system scalability on any stage of introduction or exploitation;
    • readiness to a quick integration with cash desk software.
Clients' full history and their purchases:
    • client's single profile in Creatio;
    • purchase history, the accrual and cancellation of the bonuses;
    • communication history with loyalty program participant;
    • access to all instruments Creatio to build complex dynamic client segments.
Card manager:
    • plastic and virtual loyalty cards
    • plastic card emission process;
    • combined cards in one card account (family account) with flexible setting of participation conditions in "the family".
Loyalty programs and rules of their management:
    • bonuses, discounts, coupons (loyalty);
    • incentives provision on the basis of purchase content or fulfilled complex conditions;
    • incentive provision for non-buying activities of the client.
Loyalty program rules shall be applied
Possible dynamic filters for creating loyalty program rules:
    • target audience;
    • retail outlets;
    • products and group of products.
Loyalty program rules shall be applied according to:
    • card types;
    • purchase sources;
    • types of payment;
    • time intervals (day of week, date, time of purchase).

It is possible to set mutual exclusion rules for loyalty program rules.

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