Instant Intranet

de Braintree by Vox

A central business portal for all your company news and documents - at the click of a button.

Designed for small to medium enterprises, Instant Intranet by Braintree helps you cut out the costly need for consultants and set up a professional intranet - for your business - in minutes.

This out-of-the-box solution makes use of Microsoft’s SharePoint Online software to bring you a business portal to house all your company news, calendars, and documents – enabling simple sharing and seamless collaboration across your organisation – no matter where your team is located.

At a click of a button, you’ll have access to prepopulated libraries for Finance, Marketing, IT, HR, and Operations – and step-by-step guidelines on how to customise your intranet to suit your company’s needs.

For a once-off payment of R3 500, click Buy Online below to get your hands on our app and start your intranet journey with us today.

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  • Microsoft Office 365(Business Premium, Business Essentials, Enterprise E1, Enterprise E3 or Enterprise E5)
  • Microsoft SharePoint Online (P1 or P2)

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