Ditox - Do Your Own Adoption Hub

de Ditox

The plug&play app for scalable adoption of M365

The Do Your Own Adoption Hub is a unique service that let organizations drive their own adoption and change management of new technology like M365 and Microsoft Teams, without the interference of external onsite consultants. For this the hub, which is an app with a Microsoft Teams interface, uses a mixture of online and offline instruments like gamification, interactive & 360 video content, e-learning, artificial intelligence, bot services, tele-coaching and online support. The hub works with the approach of internal employees (super users) that the drive the change in their own organization and that users can ask questions to. 'Normal users' can follow their own learning path based on their individual learning preference. If they prefer f.i. to learn from gamification, they choose a learning path of gamification. If they prefer a learning path by watching short interactive video's, they chose a learning path of interactive and 360 video's. A mixture of learning methods is also possible. The content that is provided to users is based on a unique scenario approach, so instead of explaining f.i. what button does what in Teams users are explained how to have smarter meeting or can communicate smarter. The Do your Own Adoption Hub is for enterprise and mid-market customers that have to many employees to be trainend in person or do not believe in in person training everyone or that are looking for a super scalable and fast executable adoption program. Partners can white label the app and additional (consulting) services can be added by partners of the Do Your Own Adoption Hub. This application is available in Dutch.

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