The APP for Employees Engagement

ENGAGE is the platform that allows you to create engagement by maximizing retention and knowledge sharing.

ENGAGE brings together in a single modular solution the ability to create "engagement" in the company through an Instagram-style communication approach, manage internal documentation in a smart way and easily create applications to maximize retention, training and engagement of internal resources.


News: The company's news are managed in a "social" style with likes and reacts and notifications about current and upcoming activities. The update of a content in the system automatically produces a news conveyed to the right people! Depending on the user profile, content and functionality can be profiled and diversified by geographical area, type, profile, etc..

Smart Document: Users have access to a document library with policies, procedures and useful materials (e.g. welcome kits, templates...) in both document and video format. It is possible to subscribe to the contents for acknowledgement and acceptance, compare different versions and carry out structured or rapid e-learning courses.

Survey and test: The company creates and conveys customized surveys and tests on various topics: policy understanding and acceptance, feedback, satisfaction, questionnaires, etc. An innovative functionality that allows to certify the company compliance and the effort to implement it.

Blockchain certification: MESA integrates an innovative third-generation blockchain technology that allows the company to legally certify transactions (training tests, approvals, logs, audits) and documents (policies and procedures, reports, internal and external documents).

Content Hub: The system centralize and connect content from different business systems. A single, easy-to-configure and intuitive system to quickly and easily move users between different systems using a single interface to manage approvals and data interchange via API.

Report: With ENGAGE you can create engaging reports to give users visibility into survey, test and engagement results, to see how users navigate content and what information is relevant to them, quickly and intuitively through collection points that enhance the user experience through interactivity and ease of analysis.

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