AMT Research

de AMT - The Association for Manufacturing Technology

(6 evaluări)

Explore manufacturing technology research through papers from NIST, NASA, and other institutions!

Geared toward students researching trends, breakthroughs, and other topics in manufacturing technology, the AMT Research add-in allows the user to explore articles from research bodies such as NIST, NASA, CIRP, and NSF. Examples of the represented technologies within the add-in include industrial 3D printing (additive manufacturing), CNC machining, digital manufacturing, machine learning, factory automation, industrial robotics, materials science, and industrial cybersecurity. The add-in is powered by AMT’s TechTrends and geared towards higher education students, high school students, and educators of those respective grade levels. Manufacturing technology is studied in many subjects, including engineering, technology, technical studies, and computer science.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să citească și să aducă modificări documentului
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet

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