CatchApp Meeting Scheduler

de CatchApp Ltd

(11 evaluări)

Schedule meetings/calls 10x faster, right from within your email. Include locations & multiple times

CatchApp is an add-in for Outlook that helps you find the best time for any meeting or call by allowing you to offer several time options to your invitees. They pick a time that suits them and CatchApp sends out a meeting confirmation on your behalf. It’s simple and saves lots of time by removing the back and forth.

CatchApp works with anyone, even contacts outside of your company, and they don’t need a CatchApp account to accept.

CatchApp is ideal for planning any meeting, Skype call (or Zoom, Google Hangouts). You can even include an address or a location, and your invitees will receive all the details (even place image, address, ratings etc.)

Stop the back-and-forth over email or messaging and experience smooth scheduling that will save hours every week. It’s so simple to use, you ‘ll wonder how you ever lived without it.


  • SAVE TIME: Instead of messaging back-and-forth, you send out one email with your available times and that’s it. Easy!
  • FREE: There are no subscription fees to use CatchApp, and no payment is required.

  • CUSTOMISED & POWERFUL: Select the free timeslots you‘d like to send to your invitee, the location (address, custom, or specific place), the meeting agenda, and more.
  • SEND TO ANYONE: You can send invites to anyone’s email address. They don’t need a CatchApp account to accept. They simply view the times offered and pick what works for them.
  • INTEGRATED CALENDAR: When selecting what timeslots to offer in your meeting invite, you can view your Calendar in CatchApp so you never double book..
  • INTEGRATED LOCATIONS: Wherever you chose to have your meeting, your invitees can see full location details including the address (with map view) and the venue’s contact details.



“I use CatchApp to schedule 10-15 meetings each week. Each person accepts a time, and all are automatically in my calendar without double-booking my time. Saving over 2 hours a week since I started using CatchApp” – Markus Schmaus, Snowflake

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate citi sau modifica conținutul oricărui element din cutia poștală și poate crea elemente noi. Acesta poate accesa date cu caracter personal - cum ar fi corpul, subiectul, expeditorul, destinatarii sau atașările - din orice mesaj sau element de calendar. Poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț.

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