
de InfiniteSquare

(34 evaluări)

The collaborative tool for inwink, the end-to-end event-marketing platform

inwink is the event-intelligence platform by Infinite Square. inwink is a 100% SaaS event marketing solution in Azure, which allows companies to maximize their return on investment on B2B events, thanks to powerful orchestration tools and the precise collection of participation data.

inwink offers an integrated solution, made up of 3 main set of tools:

- A Back-Office, to orchestrate events from A to Z,

- A Front-Office in the form of fully customizable event websites and mobile apps, to offer an optimal digital experience to participants and partners,

- A suite of on-site applications, to manage attendance and collect participation data in real time.

The inwink app for Microsoft Teams provides an additional collaborative layer to the inwink Back-Office, helping event-organizers boost their productivity.

Once they connect to the app with their inwink credentials, event-organizers can use Microsoft Teams to access and use the data from their inwink Back-Office. Organizing teams can then take advantage of inwink’s powerful features, within their favorite collaborative platform.

The inwink app for Microsoft Teams enables organizers to:

- Create tabs and display dashboards directly within a Teams channel. This feature makes it easy to share information from the inwink Back-Office between members of a team, including real-time attendance data for a given event.

- Search for and share entities in a Teams chat, in the form of cards displaying a speaker, an exhibitor, a session, or an attendee. A deep link within each card enables easy access and edition of those entities in the Back-Office of the inwink platform.

//NB: Please note that you need to have an active subscription to inwink to use the features of this Microsoft Teams app. If you need additional information or if you would like to set up a licence, please contact our support through the provided link.//

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi numerele de telefon, adresele poștale sau URL-urile. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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