Gfacility - FMS for Office 365

de Gfacility

Seamless integration with your Office Calendar/Outlook with Gfacility addin.

Keep working in your familiar Office Calendar/Outlook to announce visitors & catering in just a few clicks.

Visitor management:

Gfacility offers modern and customisable visitor management that is safe, efficient and affordable. Make lasting impressions with a user-friendly interface that offers key features.

Catering management:

Gfacility offers comprehensive catering management that eliminates all headaches by allowing you to book catering services and keep track of all payments, deliveries and cancellations all on one screen.

Finance management:

Keeping track of your finances is made simpler thanks to Gfacility’s efficient, customisable overviews. You can sort all of your costs accordingly, from catering to meeting accessories, all while keeping track and ensuring that you never stray from your budget.

Room signages:

Say goodbye to all of your booking nightmares with Gfacility’s handy room signage technology. Whether you are using your computer or a visitor kiosk, you will be able to see which rooms are booked, sign in, cancel room bookings and so much more, on the spot. As a company, you also have power to choose which layouts work best on your signages, according to your tastes and the message you want to convey to visitors.


Say goodbye to all of your booking nightmares with Gfacility’s handy room signage technology. Whether you are using your computer or a visitor kiosk, you will be able to see which rooms are booked, sign in, cancel room bookings and so much more, on the spot. As a company, you also have power to choose which layouts work best on your signages, according to your tastes and the message you want to convey to visitors.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa și modifica informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi corpul, subiectul, expeditorul, destinatarii și informațiile despre atașări. Poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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