Betterworks for Outlook

de BetterWorks

(195 evaluări)

Easily view goal progress and send feedback to coworkers with the new Betterworks for Outlook

Betterworks for Outlook makes it easy to see your goals, your co-workers goals, additionally now one can give and request feedback and see the summary of goals.

  • Cheer, nudge or comment on goals.
  • View a co-worker’s goals when replying to their emails.
  • Check the aligned goals.
  • Search a co-worker’s goals anytime with new search feature.
  • Quick search based on recent searches and direct reports.
  • See the summary of your goals or your coworkers.
  • Request feedback from your co-workers and give feedback to them.
  • See when was the last time you gave feedback and received feedback.


This add-in will only work for current Betterworks users. Please contact with any questions or hello@betterworks to reach someone in our sales team.

As an End User of the Betterworks Service, your access and use of this Extension shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions entered into between your company and BetterWorks, and, the Betterworks Privacy Notice located here:

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa date cu caracter personal din mesajul activ, precum numele expeditorilor, numele destinatarilor, adresele de e-mail, conținutul mesajului sau informații despre atașări. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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