

(32 evaluări)

Integrate Cloudya’s smart telephony features in one convenient place

Integrate Cloudya’s smart telephony features with Microsoft Teams and start, schedule or join video meetings with ease.

Cloudya App for Microsoft Teams combines all your communication needs in one convenient place. Make calls, start or schedule video meetings, and use all powerful business telephony features directly from Microsoft Teams.

Cloudya App for Microsoft Teams enables users to:

  • Use all enterprise PBX features
  • Access Cloudya contacts from the Teams environment
  • See call history in one application, both from Cloudya and Microsoft Teams

Less distractions, more productivity.

All PBX features are at your fingertips. Combining cloud telephony with Microsoft Teams gives you access to streamlined internal processes and more time for focused work.

Use your favourite telephony features:

  • Settings
  • Favourites
  • Voicemail
  • Logging in/out of queues

To get started with the Cloudya Microsoft Teams integration, you need an active Cloudya account. If you have not signed up yet, you can go to and get an account for you or your company.

Also, it is highly recommended to install our Desktop and Mobile applications to make phone calls or start and join meetings.

Desktop app:

The mobile apps are only available in the European countries.

Cloudya is your best option for smart cloud communication and helps teams get done more with seamless integrations.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi numerele de telefon, adresele poștale sau URL-urile. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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