Beem Meeting for Outlook

de Beem Information Technology Company Ltd. 1

Beem Meeting for Outlook is designed to make scheduling Beem Meeting in Microsoft outlook

Beem Meeting for Outlook works with Microsoft 365 and allows you to easily schedule Beem Meetings in your Outlook calendar.

Beem is an essential tool for effective collaboration and organization management. With its support for meetings , full office capabilities with document collaborations, synchronized calendar and to-do task management, businesses can streamline their work processes and stay on top of their tasks. and provides HD video conferencing services with support for browsers, mobile devices and desktop devices.

Beem Meeting for Outlook is designed to make scheduling Beem Meeting in Microsoft outlook easy, with this add-in, you can easily add Beem Meeting to any calendar event, just add Beem Meeting to your schedule, the meeting url and meeting information will be added to the body of the calendar event.When it's time to join, everyone can join the meeting by clicking on the invite link in the calendar or the meeting ID.

When you add a Beem Meeting to your event, modifying the time and recurrence time will trigger the LaunchEvent, which synchronizes the server data to ensures that the meeting information in Beem matches the event.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate citi sau modifica conținutul oricărui element din cutia poștală și poate crea elemente noi. Acesta poate accesa date cu caracter personal - cum ar fi corpul, subiectul, expeditorul, destinatarii sau atașările - din orice mesaj sau element de calendar. Poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț.
Acest program de completare se poate lansa singur când:
  • Utilizatorul modifică data sau ora unui eveniment.
  • Utilizatorul modifică recurența unui eveniment.

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