Intapp Collaboration and Content

de Intapp

Collaboration and Content by Intapp consolidates communication & document sharing using MSFT Teams

Collaboration and Content by Intapp provides streamlined Teams provisioning, security and archiving as well as the ability to leverage an M365 native document management and collaboration platform
    1. Intapp Workspaces provides users with template driven Teams creation that integrates with legacy document management systems (iManage and NetDocs) to help professional services firms more easily leverage modern work capabilities like coauthoring and collaboration via MS Teams. Experience the power of streamlined modern work with Intapp Workspaces, an extension of Microsoft Teams. Discover how it enhances real-time collaboration, boosts productivity, and promotes unified document collaboration. By utilizing Intapp Workspaces, professionals can concentrate on working together, delivering exceptional results for clients in complex, multidisciplinary projects.
    2. Intapp Documents supports information management through the familiar and convenient interface of Microsoft Outlook and SharePoint. Intapp Documents turns Microsoft SharePoint into a purpose-built document management system that serves the unique needs of professional services firms. Intapp Documents orchestrates content management across all of your data sources to provide full lifecycle visibility and enhanced collaboration, and lets you use Microsoft Outlook, Teams, and SharePoint to create shared content and collaborate using customized user experiences with built-in file synchronization and interoperability.
    3. Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal transforms the way in-house legal teams work and streamlines corporate legal matter management. Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal delivers a comprehensive matter management solution for corporate legal departments. Using familiar Microsoft 365 applications, the software streamlines matter instruction, triage, and allocation, as well as ongoing matter management. You gain comprehensive matter-centric document and email management, as well as data-driven reporting, insights, and analytics. Built on the Microsoft 365 platform, Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal connects your people, processes, and data to help transform legal operations and deliver efficiency, scalability, and productivity for your legal professionals.

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