ServiceDesk Plus Cloud for Microsoft Teams

Автор: Zoho Corporation Private Limited

(243 оценки)

Microsoft 365 Copilot driven, Use ServiceDesk Plus Cloud to extend your IT via Microsoft Teams

The cloud version of ServiceDesk Plus now integrates with Microsoft 365 Copilot, leveraging the collaboration app from Microsoft as an additional channel for IT and enterprise support.

Service desk teams can now integrate the incident management module of ServiceDesk Plus as a tab inside their organization's Teams interface. This enables technicians and end users to perform a host of request management activities, including

  • Access the tabs like Dashboard, Scheduler, Tech Availability Chart, Tasks, Reminders, and Announcements from within the home page.
  • Picking up incidents or assigning them to other technicians.
  • Initiating remote sessions or initiating meetings with end users through Microsoft Teams to diagnose incidents.
  • Resolving and closing requests, and marking FCRR, if applicable.
  • Tracking the status of user requests with real-time updates and notifications.
  • Boost productivity and efficiency with the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud plugin for Microsoft 365 Copilot with natural language prompts

  • Channeling major incident management.

    Handling major incidents is always a challenge, and could turn out to be a disaster if a business doesn't know the status of an incident. It's also important that any possible workarounds and solutions are quickly and easily shared with end users to avoid repeat and duplicate incidents.

    Service desk teams can leverage conversations in Teams to:

    Tag relevant and necessary service desk members to get them working on tasks.

    Post regular updates about each incident to the members of a channel, including service desk teams and end users.

    Search and publish relevant solutions from ServiceDesk Plus.

    Handling tickets through chatbots.

    Both technicians and end users need various kinds of information about their service desk tickets during the ticket life cycle. The built-in Teams chatbot now allows them to interact with ServiceDesk Plus to fetch information and perform various service desk actions right from within Teams for quicker resolution. Technicians can perform activities like adding notes, approving requests, picking up requests, assigning requests to technicians, and resolving tickets through the actionable cards within the chat window. The list of chatbot commands include:

  • Select instance: To select the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud instance.
  • View all requests: To display all open requests that the technician has access to.
  • View my open requests: To display all open requests that are assigned to the technician.
  • Pending approvals: To show all the pending approvals associated with the technician, then approve them with another command.
  • Search request "Search_key": To search a request with keywords.
  • Create request "subject": To create a new service desk request with the defined subject.

  • An active subscription to ServiceDesk Plus Cloud is required, please do sign up for 30 days free trial via our website

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