Federated Directory - Contacts

Автор: Federated Directory

Search through the corporate address books of the companies you work with.

The only contact directory that encourages collaboration between companies

When your company works together with other companies, it might be inconvenient that your corporate address book only contains the contact data of your employees.

A Federated Directory will give your employees the ability to search through the corporate address books of the companies you trust and immediately increase their collaboration and productivity.

Every company stays in control of its address book but allows specific read access to other companies.

You can create a new or integrate your current corporate address book.

We support Google, Microsoft, Okta, or OneLogin and others through our open connectors.

At a glance:

- View contacts information of other companies directly from Outlook

- Add an email address to "To/Cc/Bcc" field with one click

Note: Using this add-in requires a valid Federated Directory subscription

Возможности приложения

Во время использования это приложение
  • Может отправлять данные по Интернету
  • Это приложение может получить доступ к личным сведениям в активном сообщении, таким как текст, тема, отправитель, получатели и сведения о вложении, и изменить их. Оно может отправлять эти данные в стороннюю службу. Другие элементы в почтовом ящике невозможно прочитать или изменить.

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