
Автор: JKP Application Development Services

(1 оценки)

Find a string in many objects in your Excel workbooks, not just in cells

Flexfind is an Excel add-in which allows you to search for strings in many parts of your workbook.

What makes Flexfind special is that it not only searches in worksheet cells. The current list of searched objects includes:

Cell formulas

Cell Values

Validation formulas

Conditional formatting formulas

Chart ranges

Chart titles (main title, axes titles)

Series labels

Shapes (their text value)

Worksheet headers and footers

Range names



Pivot table source ranges

Возможности приложения

Во время использования это приложение
  • Может читать документ и вносить в него изменения
  • Может отправлять данные по Интернету

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