Hybrid Healthy Premium

Автор: Digital Workplace Limited

Gain access to premium features and purchase more user licenses

With a Professional subscription your organisation can license as many users as your need and the application builds upon the free version with many premium features.

Insights dashboard
  • Reveal your organisations unique hybrid trends, export raw and enhanced data for your own systems, and visualises your hybrid working patterns.
Advance bot features
    • Use the interactive planner to remind, organise, and coordinate your team to increase the number days in sync
Hybrid work policies
    • Include your organisations flexible work policy so that your colleagues can keep above the requested office quotas
Future planner
    • Navigate further than 4 weeks into the future on the planner to better plan holidays and distance events
Change management support
    • Onboard your teams easily and get the most out of the app with online sessions with the Hybrid Healthy consultants.
Multi regional servers
    • Get lighting fast response time with access to localised servers.
Specialised features
    • Do you have a special requirement for your organisation? We offer Premium users ways add unique features for their needs.

Take a look at our plans and prices to select the best offer for your team.

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