Brilliant Assessments Merge Manager

od: Brilliant Assessments

Helps Brilliant Assessments Administrators build merge strings in Feedback and Cohort Reports.

The Brilliant Assessments Merge Manager helps customer administrators build merge strings in Feedback and Cohort Reports. Brilliant Assessments uses a Word template to build fully white-labeled, detailed feedback reports based directly on respondents' answers to assessments.

Brilliant Assessments is a SaaS assessment-building and management system that enables organizations of all sizes to build their own branded assessments and feedback reports. Each assessment is fully customized to the company’s needs, and the comprehensive feedback reports are immediately available to the respondent.

Our assessment-building tool can be used for a wide range of company needs, both internal and external. Whether it’s an employee assessment for training and certification, a marketing assessment to move prospects down the sales funnel, an automated report building assessment for consultants, or something else, Brilliant Assessments empowers you to build a deeply engaging experience that your audience can undertake at a time and place and on a device of their choosing.

A completely self-service system, our WYSIWYG assessment builder makes it easy for domain experts — without any IT training — to build their own assessments. Similarly, the feedback report uses an MS Word template with merge strings to create a high-quality report that the assessment builder gets to define. Each feedback report can incorporate a wide range of graphical options, together with a detailed text-based evaluation and recommendations, based on the answers supplied by the respondent.

The flexibility of the system is evidenced by the huge variety in its users, which range from Global Fortune 500 Consultancies to early-stage startups. Its application is just as varied: Brilliant Assessments has been used for Employee assessments (promulgating cultural change, training assessments, 360's and self-awareness), Interactive content marketing, Company and Leadership assessments, IT and Cybersecurity assessments, Medical, Spiritual, Disability — the list keeps growing!

This Add-in can only be used in conjunction with a 14-day free trial or a paid subscription to Brilliant Assessments. Further details are available at Sign up for a Trial subscription at

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  • Môže čítať váš dokument a vykonávať v ňom zmeny
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet

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