Segmail Campaigns

od: Vincent-Lee

Send campaign-style emails in your Outlook with views and link tracking.

Segmail is the email tracking and campaign tool designed for sales and marketing people without stepping outside of Outlook. Segmail provides:

  • Open tracking: See if your recipient opens your email.
  • Link tracking: See if your recipients click on any links in the email.
  • Send as a Campaign: Simply click "Send" in your Outlook and Segmail will automatically split it up into individual emails addressed to single individual addresses where recipients cannot see other recipients. No additional service required. Note that Campaign mode will not work with distribution lists - you will need to expand all distribution lists in your TO field before sending in the Campaign mode.

If you would like to see more features, simply install the add-in, reach out to us via the "Contact Us" link. You don't even need to go to our website, although we would be happy to have you!

Add-in capabilities

When this add-in is used, it:

  • Can send data over the Internet
  • Can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information - such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments - in any message item. It may send this data to a third-party service.
  • Can read your contact list and use contact details such as "Firstname", "Lastname", "CompanyName", etc for inserting into your campaign emails - ie. Mailmerging.
  • Can append tracking pixels in the emails you are sending to your recipients.

This add-in can launch itself when:

  • The user is composing an email.
  • The user sends an email.

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet
  • Táto aplikácia môže čítať alebo upraviť obsah ľubovoľnej položky vo vašej poštovej schránke a vytvoriť nové položky. Môže získať prístup k osobným informáciám, ako sú napríklad informácie o tele, predmete, odosielateľovi, príjemcoch alebo prílohách, v ľubovoľnej správe alebo položke kalendára. Tieto údaje môže odoslať službe tretej strany.
Tento doplnok sa môže spustiť sám, keď:
  • Používateľ vytvorí nový e-mail.
  • Používateľ odošle e-mail.

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