
od: Infoqort Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Power BI, Infoqort, Business Intelligence

Modernized Data Visualization With Intelligent PowerBI Integration by Infoqort

Volume- Variety- Velocity- Value of data boils us down to Power BI

Real Time Collaboration

Open, standards-based REST API  to integrate application or service  with Power BI.

Instant access to information when  your business needs your  attention with real-time Power BI  dashboards. Solve problems as  they occur and seize opportunities  as soon as they arise.


Keep on top of your data  no matter where you  are. With touch-enabled  native apps for  Windows, iOS, and  Android, you can access  all your data wherever  you go.

Single pane view  of business

Power BI apps include  dashboards, reports, and  datasets that provide  every user with a  personalized view of  their business metrics  that matter most

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