Equalz - Generic Systematic Round Robin Assignment and Distribution

avtor: CETAS Information Technology

Equalz helps to equally assigns records to the D365 CRM users based on configuration automatically.

A Generic Systematic Round Robin Assignment and Distribution

Equalz is a productivity app that enables systematic allotment/assignment of records to respective Dynamics 365 CRM users. It helps managers to allocate and distribute incoming records from various channels or sources for all Default and Custom Entities except core entities in an organized way. This ensures fair distribution of workload within each team. Automated distribution and assignment improve efficiency which results in a higher level of customer satisfaction and in turn higher ROI.

Salient Features

· Fair distribution of records based on round robin algorithm.

· Assign records based on user configurations in the filter criteria.

· Supports for all default Queue Enabled Entities.

· Filter can be applied for target entity to assign users.

· Equalz allowed to create separate queues for each entity.

· Audit Log enabled in Equalz where you can see both success and failure logs.

· Provision provided to reprocess the failure record in the Log table.

· Reprocess Provision is enabled for failure Records.

· User can enable/disable the assignment process anytime by disabling the rules.

· Less configuration and less time consumption.

Supported Versions:

Versions: Microsoft Dynamics 365 v9.x and above, Dataverse (Power Apps).

Deployment Models: On-Premises and Online.

Equalz Automation Process

Equalz assignment helps managers or team leads to distribute the records to every configured user without manual intervention, which leads to saving managers’ time. Managers can ensure each and all records are fairly distributed by the users. There will be no loss of data which helps increase the productivity of the company.

It helps to apply filter criteria for the target entity which means, we can configure in the system that customers from “Assam” state Leads belong to Queue1 and from “UK” state Leads belong to Queue2, based on that Equalz assigns records to the Dynamic User. So those who have multitenant or multiple branches, Equalz help to allocate records to respective users. If filter criteria are empty against the rule settings, then all records are applicable for assignment.

Each record will be assigned to the users based on the priority order which is configured in Equalz Queue Members Entity. Every record will be logged in the Equalz Log table both failures and success.

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