Power Sports Team Management

avtor: Proximo3

A framework to allow Sport Clubs to securely store and manage all information on their teams

Power Sports Team Management is an app used by Sport Clubs to manage and store information on their teams. This mini-HR system can store many types of documents including driving licenses, birth certificates, passports, contracts, visa applications, transfer registrations, emergency contacts and next of kin details.

The app also tracks how much each player has cost the club. This is monitored through the app managing which accommodation/property each player is staying in. Power Sports Team Management also stores information on car rental costs for all players. The app holds the details of every club-owned car including colour, make, model, registration plates, mileage count at date of issue and date of return, and a status of either 'with player' or 'returned'.
Additionally, the app also features a player portal where players can log in and update their personal details. Player portals will be branded to the corresponding sports club.

What are the benefits of Power Sports Team Management?
  • All data is stored in one place allowing for quick access
  • All player personal information is stored within the Power Platform utilising Microsoft Trust Centre

  • Different access levels for security roles
  • Players can manage their own details in the player portal
  • The player portal has the ability to store photocopies/images of documents such as passports and driving licenses
  • Most clubs already own a Microsoft Office License which is all that's needed to get started with the Power Platform
  • The app runs as an add-on to Microsoft Office and is fully integrated with Microsoft Teams

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