Pear Deck

avtor: Pear Deck

(42 ocene)

Add formative assessments and activities to lessons and presentations

Imagine every single kid in class raising their hand, participating in discussions, taking risks and offering answers in front of their peers. Sound impossible?

Teachers at 1 out of 3 schools in the United States use Pear Deck connect with every student, every day. Pear Deck makes it easy to add formative assessments and interactive activities to presentations, transforming devices from distractions into tools for classroom connection. Plan your questions ahead of time or add questions on the fly during class time.

There’s no need to create or buy lessons, you can start with your existing PowerPoint lessons and plan your questions ahead of time or add questions on the fly during class time. During a Pear Deck Session, students feel responsible for participating and safe responding because they know that you’ll see their answers, but their work will be anonymous when shared with the class.

Here’s how Pear Deck works:

Design a new presentation or open an existing PowerPoint Online file.

With the Pear Deck for PowerPoint Online Add-in enabled, add interactive questions to your presentation directly from the Pear Deck Sidebar.

Upload your file to Teams and when you’re ready, assign your lesson.

Students will automatically join your class session from their device — no navigating to a website or codes needed.

As you progress through the lesson, you’ll see every student respond to your questions in real-time. Instantly you’ll know who’s with you, and who needs more time.

Flexible Templates and Questions

Our team of educators created a library of templates and question types designed to support effective teaching strategies. Think Bell Ringers, Checks for Understanding, Exit Tickets, and more. Simply drop in one of these templates for instant engagement.

Included in the free account:

  • Unlimited presentations

  • Unlimited number of class sessions

  • Unlimited students participating

  • Student-paced mode (great for flipped or blended classes!)

  • Project anonymized student responses to the class

  • Lock slides when presenting

  • Microsoft Teams Integration

Upgrade for more:

  • Powerful Teacher Dashboard

  • Highlight or hide student responses

  • Post-session dashboard and review

  • Export student answers to Excel for further analysis

  • Drawing and Draggable™ question types

  • Efficacy Reports

For more information about Pear Deck and resources to get started, visit

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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