
avtor: KL Software Technologies

(24 ocene)

netDocShare - View, Edit & Sync NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams

netDocShare Teams app allows users to view, edit, add, search, and quick sync NetDocuments content within Microsoft Teams Channel Tab, 1-1 Private Chat, Meeting Chat, and Teams Personal app, enabling quick and easy access to relevant firm documents right within a Team Channel, Team Meetings, and Private Chat.

Key Features of the netDocShare app include:

1) Access NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams via adding the netDocShare Teams app as a new Team Channel Tab, 1-1 Private Chat Tab, Teams Meeting Tab, or Pin as a personal app.

2) Use the netDocShare Personal app pinned to the Microsoft Teams Navigation bar to quickly access your NetDocuments content such as My Favorites, My Recent Docs, My Checked out Documents, My Email Files, and ndThread right within Teams.

3) Reference NetDocuments content within Microsoft Teams Channel Post, including add, edit, update, and quick sync NetDocuments content with Team Channel Files Tab.

4) View any NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams using Normal View, Tree View, Recent Documents View, Favorites View, My Checked Out Documents View, My Email Files View, or Client/Matter View.

5) Display using Standard View any NetDocuments content stored in Cabinets, Workspaces, SavedSearch, Filters, Folders, Sub-Folders, ShareSpaces, or CollabSpaces right within any Team Channel Tab.

6) Display using Tree View, multiple NetDocuments content sources in a single consolidated view within the Teams Channel Tab.

7) Check-in, Check-out, Rename, Lock, Smart Preview, Download, Delete, Get Secure Link, Follow, Email Link, Create New Version, Change Official Version, Mark as Favorite, Edit Profile, Add Margin Notes, and Co-Author using Microsoft Office Client any document in NetDocuments.

8) Collaborate with colleagues using our real-time sharing of NetDocuments content within the Team Channel Post Tab or Files Tab, 1-1 Private Chat Tab, or Meeting Files Tab, eliminating the need to leave Microsoft Teams to access relevant NetDocuments content.

9) View or contribute to NDThread discussions and action NetDocuments Tasks within Microsoft Teams.

10) Create a New Version of a Document in NetDocuments within Microsoft Teams.

11) Change the Official Version of a Document in NetDocuments within Microsoft Teams.

12) Display NetDocuments related custom Columns, Profile Attributes, and Multi-value Profile Fields within Microsoft Teams.

13) View and share NetDocuments CollabSpace content with internal and external users. External users can access CollabSpace content without any NetDocuments subscription within Microsoft Teams.

14) Get a quick and convenient Live-Preview of any NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams.

15) Check-out functionality prevents anyone from editing the document in NetDocuments while a user updates it in Microsoft Teams. Check-in allows users to make it available for your team to edit, update, and collaborate.

16) View your NetDocuments related to Favorite Documents within Microsoft Teams.

17) Lock the version of the documents in Microsoft Teams to disallow further changes or updates within NetDocuments.

18) Share secure links of NetDocuments content users within Microsoft Teams.

19) Follow any NetDocuments content to track changes and updates via an email notification within Microsoft Teams.

20) Ability to easily save Teams Channel Post or 1-1 Private Chat Messages or Meeting Chat Messages with or without attachments directly from within Teams into NetDocuments.

21) Ability to Search & Lookup for any NetDocuments content to share within the Microsoft Teams Channel Post tab or 1-1 Private Chat Messages or Meeting Chat tab.

22) Ability to synchronize NetDocuments content (workspaces, folders, filters, etc.) from the Team's Channel netDocShare Tab with the Channel Files Tab.

23) Ability to perform Advanced Search of specific NetDocuments content sources within the netDocShare Channel tab.

Install the netDocShare Microsoft Teams app within minutes and rapidly add Channel Tabs to view your favorite NetDocuments content from a cabinet, workspace, folder / sub-folder, SavedSearch, Filter, or CollabSpaces.

The netDocShare Microsoft Teams app augments the power of instant collaboration and communication using Microsoft Teams with the advanced Document Management capabilities of NetDocuments to create a modern digital workplace.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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