Snooze Bot

avtor: Augmentech Ltd

(4 ocene)

Snooze Microsoft Teams messages and get reminded about them at a convenient time.

Have you received a Microsoft Teams message and couldn't address it immediately? Did you wish there was a way to snooze the message so that it arrived later? You can now do exactly that with the Snooze Bot! Snooze your messages in personal chats, group chats and Microsoft Teams channels. When the specified time arrives, the bot will send you a personal card reminding you about your snoozed message. From the personal card, either you can go directly to the Microsoft Teams message or you can snooze the message again. Icons made by Pixel perfect and Freepik from

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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