Scogo SuperApp

avtor: Scogo SuperApp

Super simple field services and customer support app powered by Scogo Networks

Scogo SuperApp is a cloud-based user and customer support software that makes it easier for companies to request on-demand IT Field Support engineers anytime, anywhere across India. SuperApp also enables companies to provide a simple and digital support experience to their users and customers.

Deliver exceptional customer support on the go. All batteries included, manage customer support from the web, email, WhatsApp, outlook/Gmail plugins.

Key Features:


- Field Services: One-click access to Field Services across India

- Helpdesk: Fully loaded support ticket management system

- Team Organization: Easily manage all your enterprise users and manage teams

- Site Management: Site/Office Location management

- Asset management: All your company assets managed through a fully integrated lifecycle

- Vendor management: Manage all your vendors on a single platform, track performance and SLAs


- Our Add-in is 100% FREE to use. No purchase/payment required.

- Our offer neither has any dependency nor relies on any additional/3rd party services for full functionality. Scogo SuperApp is a self-contained outlook add-in that helps our customers with easy ticket creation right from their Outlook mailbox.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za branje ali spreminjanje vsebine poljubnega elementa v vašem nabiralniku ter za ustvarjanje novih elementov. V poljubnem sporočilu ali elementu koledarja lahko dostopa do osebnih podatkov, kot so telo, zadeva, pošiljatelj, prejemniki ali priloge. Te podatke lahko pošlje storitvi drugega izdelovalca.

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