
avtor: Sahara Watira

IT Support Ticketing Chatbot

The TicketingBot solution is an Internal Process Intelligent Automation Solution built on Azure Bot Service and integrated with Microsoft Teams. The solution helps you accomplish everything you need to resolve day-to-day IT tickets, issues, and incidents faster than ever.

Employees simply need to open Microsoft Teams, and run the TicketingBot, and the bot will start to figure out what is the issue is and find a solution or connect with the proper IT resource to resolve the issue.

centrally manages all your IT and non-IT assets right from your help desk software, the scope of your help desk software with contextual integrations and relieving your help desk team from repetitive processes by automating them.

Business values:

Ensure high availability of your services

Increase help desk adoption rates

Boost your help desk team's productivity

Build the help desk that your business demands

TicketingBot has once again has proved to be an advanced digital assistant that helps you to open tickets and solve it faster than you think. All Department in company can open ticket in TicketingBot without any training or experience in IT.

In order to use this app” AigBotTest”, Please contact us on for more details".

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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