Awardco for Outlook

avtor: Awardco

Employee recognition that truly rewards

Make employee recognition and engagement more powerful than ever by recognizing and rewarding employees directly within Microsoft Outlook. Recognizing in Microsoft Outlook works directly with your established Awardco recognition programs and posts to the Awardco recognition feed to broadcast company values and highlight employee success stories. Use the Awardco app with Microsoft Outlook to increase engagement, improve culture, and make teams even more cohesive no matter their physical location.

In order to use this app you must have an active subscription with Awardco, please contact us for more details.

Contact details

Phone Number: (800) 320-089

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov in za spreminjanje osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telo, zadeva, pošiljatelj, prejemniki in podatki prilog. Te podatke lahko pošlje storitvi drugega izdelovalca. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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