

(1 ocene)

ID-Assist helps Instructional Designers automate online course design and storyboard using AI.

ID-Assist™ is a storyboard automation tool powered by state-of-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies like ChatGPT, DALL.E, Whisper, Vision etc. Our tool is trained to understand effective instructional design theories and models, such as Gagne’s Nine Events of Instructions, Merrill’s Principles of Instruction, Bloom’s Taxonomy, ADDIE Model, Dick and Carey Model, The Kirkpatrick Model, and more.

With ID-Assist, Instructional Designers can use pre-defined prompts to automate specific elements of the storyboard from given source content, such as -

🚀 creating learning goals and strategies

🚀 new content generation

🚀 writing learning objectives

🚀 summaries, analogies, scenarios

🚀 content visualization and presentation

🚀 audio transcriptions and generation

🚀 animation, voiceover, scenario scripts

🚀 knowledge checks and assessments

🚀 FAQ, glossary, best practices, resources

🚀 content editing and grammar correction

🚀 translation

🚀 image description and generation

and many more!

ID-Assist can further help with -

🚀 custom prompts

🚀 identify gaps or inconsistencies in the source content

🚀 suggest additional content

🚀 semantic search through large corpus of source material for specific information

Overall, ID-Assist is a useful tool for instructional designers and content writers, helping them to more efficiently and effectively create instructionally sound courses and deliver excellent learning experiences to learners.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions to help us improve the tool.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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