Hierarchical Bar Chart


(8 ocene)
Prenesite vzorecNavodila

This visual displays hierarchical data in the form of bar chart with +/- signs to view/hide details

Hierarchical bar chart is a Power BI Custom Visual which displays hierarchical data (different fields having parent/child relationship) in the form of a bar/column chart with +/- signs to view/hide details or child elements. This visual has following key features 1) Expand/ Collapse bars using (+/-) buttons 2) Show variance between bars 3) Drag the bars for custom sorting 4) Click on legends to drill down/up to any level 5) Show targets All functionalities of this visual are available for free within Power BI Desktop. In Power BI Online Service, it will show a watermark. To use the visual without watermark in Power BI Online, please purchase license subscription. For more information visit Would love to hear from you.....(feedback, bugs, improvement suggestions, ideas etc). I can be reached at

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