CRIF Lending Journey

avtor: CRIF SPA

The Digital Platform for Smart Lending for Banks and Financial Institutions

CRIF Lending Journey is a cloud native and api based, white label end-to-end solution designed for Banks and Financial institutions and that speeds up the process of offering financial products through self and assisted digital channels with prebuilt customer journey, targeting Individuals and SMEs.

It integrates in one platform all best-in-class data, insights and capabilities offered by CRIF and third partners, such as Digital Onboarding, KYC/KYB, Open Banking and AI creditworthiness evaluation. Moreover, the openness of the CRIF Lending Journey platform facilitates the collaboration of all the actors streamlining the process and simplifying the integration into IT architecture of a Bank or a Financial Institution.

If you are interested in trying CRIF Lending Journey you can do it now thanks to our Sandbox!

Thanks to three User Scenarios you can discover and explore the digital platform impersonating final users in different situations.

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